Post by Jonel on Oct 16, 2003 21:27:44 GMT -5
NRA Creates List of Foes 10/16/2003 The National Rifle Association (NRA) has compiled a list of individuals and groups that it considers opponents to its cause, according to a commentary in the Oct. 13 New York Times. Among the groups making the long list are the A.F.L.-C.I.O, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Children's Defense Fund, the Lutheran Office for Governmental Affairs, the United States Catholic Conference, the U.S. Conference of Mayors, and the Y.W.C.A. of the U.S.A. Some of the celebrities making the list are Dr. Joyce Brothers, Candice Bergen, Walter Cronkite, Doug Flutie, Michelle Pfeiffer, Vinny Testaverde, Moon Zappa, and the Temptations. Even corporations, such as the Kansas City Chiefs, Hallmark Cards, the Sara Lee Corporation, Ben & Jerry's, and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City, have been included on the list. "We put the list together in response to many requests by our members wanting to know which organizations support the rights of law-abiding Americans to keep and bear arms, and which organizations didn't," said Andrew Arulanandam, the NRA's director of public affairs. In response to the NRA's list, which can be found on its website, the group StopTheNRA.com has created its own website, nrablacklist.com, inviting people to be included on the NRA list of non-supporters. www.jointogether.org/gv/news/summaries/reader/0,2061,567251,00.html
Post by Ivory Fair on Oct 16, 2003 21:52:14 GMT -5
Some of the celebrities making the list are ........ the Temptations.
:clapping: Yay!!! And this is why we LOVE the Temptations!!!!!!!!!! (and for the record, if anyone is interested, the NRA can kiss TemptsInfo.com's tee-hiney!)
Post by Tempzfanat14 on Oct 17, 2003 1:08:15 GMT -5
(and for the record, if anyone is interested, the NRA can kiss TemptsInfo.com's tee-hiney!) lmao @ your crazy ivory
Post by selfishreasons on Oct 17, 2003 7:44:37 GMT -5
i don't know why the tempts are on this list, but I'm glad they are. Those F'ers in the NRA can go to hell. Even though I do believe in the right to bare ares. I hate those guys.
Post by Tess on Oct 17, 2003 8:55:40 GMT -5
Post by Jonel on Oct 17, 2003 13:24:31 GMT -5
NRA disses Motown's Temptations October 17, 2003 BY LEONARD PITTS JR. I am the world's leading expert in Temptology. As such, I know just about every trivial thing there is to know about Motown's storied singing group, the Temptations. I know they recorded once as the Pirates. I know they were the first Motown act to win a Grammy. I know bass singer Melvin Franklin's nickname was Blue. But the one thing I didn't know was how they wound up on an enemy's list posted by the National Rifle Association. We have New York Times columnist Bob Herbert to thank for alerting us to said list. He recently disclosed the fact that, if you dig around the NRA's Web site (www.nra.org), you'll find a compilation of "anti-gun" journalists, officials, groups and celebrities. Among the other names: Oprah Winfrey, Patrick Stewart, Bruce Springsteen, Spike Lee, Paul Newman, Michael Eisner, Lakers forward Rick Fox and singer Moon Zappa. Why not me? I'm sure this all raises for you the same searing question it raised for me: Why didn't Leonard Pitts make the list!? I'm anti-gun, too! What, they hate Molly Ivins more than me? Actually, my exclusion is probably my own fault. I don't write about guns that often. Worse, my opinion doesn't translate easily to a bumper sticker. If you've got a moment, I'll lay it out for you. I believe the right to keep and bear arms is a fiction. Legal experts I respect have all held that the Second Amendment confers no right of individual gun ownership. But -- and here's the tricky part -- I also believe the perception of such a right is so deeply ingrained in the American psyche that the legal niceties are largely immaterial. The right exists practically. I'm reminded of the First Amendment attorney who told me that as a strictly legal issue, it can be argued that the Constitution grants you no right to read this newspaper. Yes, freedom of speech allows the newspaper to print what it wants, but where is it written that you have a right to have access to it? Not budging Nevertheless, the perception of such a right is so much a part of the American character that if government tried to deny it, newspaper readers would take to the streets in protest. It's the same with the gun owners except, of course, that they'd be better armed. So I hate guns. But I also accept that they're not going anywhere. The question is: what can we do within that reality? We are in dire need of mandatory registration and training to govern those who choose to own guns and sensible laws to prevent their use by those who have no business with them. At a minimum, we need to be able to discuss the issue rationally. But we'll never have that ability so long as gun control advocates tar responsible gun owners as "gun nuts" and cling to the fantasy that guns can be erased from these shores. We'll also never have it so long as gun owners' interests are represented by an organization that sets new standards for crazy. The NRA, by the way, says the Tempts earned their way onto its list by lending their name to an anti-gun newspaper ad in 1999. Wow. The nerve. In the face of such asininity, of paranoia beyond parody, I have just one thing to say to the NRA: There are two "t"s in Pitts. LEONARD PITTS JR. appears most Wednesdays and Fridays in the Free Press. Reach him at the Miami Herald, 1 Herald Plaza, Miami, FL 33132; toll free at 888-251-4407 or at lpitts@herald.com. Courtesy of the Detroit Free Press www.freep.com/voices/columnists/pitts17_20031017.htm
Post by Ivory Fair on Oct 17, 2003 23:09:17 GMT -5
I am the world's leading expert in Temptology.
This is the truth. I'm sure the man would kick my butt if we faced off in a Tempts' trivia challenge, but I sure would have fun while it lasted!
I know they recorded once as the Pirates.
Yep, I knew that.
I know they were the first Motown act to win a Grammy.
I had forgotten about that.
I know bass singer Melvin Franklin's nickname was Blue.
Well, actually it was "Blu" but that's close enough.
Yep, but I'd definately like to meet this guy on Temptations Jeopardy. "I'll take Otis-firings for 200 Alex!"
Post by c5temptsfan on Oct 18, 2003 20:06:11 GMT -5
Yay!!! And this is why we LOVE the Temptations!!!!!!!!!! WE SURE DO!!! ;D (and for the record, if anyone is interested, the NRA can kiss TemptsInfo.com's tee-hiney!) THEY SURE CAN!!!
Post by selfishreasons on Oct 19, 2003 19:29:23 GMT -5
it just seems like the NRA are a bunch of clowns. How can anybody be opposed to the temptations? foolishness.
Post by Ivory Fair on Oct 19, 2003 22:39:58 GMT -5
How can anybody be opposed to the temptations?
Yeah, only the Four Tops are allowed to do that.
Post by selfishreasons on Oct 20, 2003 1:20:26 GMT -5
yeah, but they couldn't win (I had to take a shot at them (no pun intended)). i guess ther NRA can't win either.
Post by selfishreasons on Oct 27, 2003 21:22:27 GMT -5
NRA Issues 'Enemy List' of Second Amendment Opponents Tuesday, October 21, 2003 This is a partial transcript of The Big Story With John Gibson, October 20, 2003, that has been edited for clarity.
MIKE MEYERS, ACTOR: That's just groovy, baby. They're going to love me, I know it.
JOHN GIBSON, HOST: Shameless attempt to get Austin Powers into the show. Actor Mike Meyers, along with hundreds of celebrities and organizations are finding out that he and they are not loved by the NRA.
The National Rifle Association (search) is putting together a lengthy list of enemies to the Second Amendment.
Wayne Lapierre (search) is executive vice president and CEO of the NRA. The big question at this hour, Wayne: are you shooting yourself in the foot with an enemy's list? Even [Richard] Nixon figured out that's a bad idea.
WAYNE LAPIERRE, NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION: Hi, John. No, I wouldn't call it an enemy's list. Look, our members want to know who in the celebrity community is opposed to the Second Amendment and opposed to the constitutional freedom of Americans to hold fire arms.
It kind of puts a permanent stain on the way our members feel about them. They don't want to buy their movies. They don't want to buy their songs. They don't want to support their careers. And they cherish freedom that much and they're willing to stand up for it. I think it is a good thing.
GIBSON: Look at this list you've got here. Dr. Joyce Brothers (search), Candice Bergen, Walter Cronkite (search)… Michelle Pfeiffer… Moon Zappa, the Temptations, of all people. Then you have… Hallmark, the Sara Lee Corporation, Ben & Jerry — I kind of expected that — Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City. You know, when you put out a list that big, Wayne, it invites the people looking at it to say, “Well, maybe some of these people think like I think.”
LAPIERRE: Well, we've spent 25 years highlighting the people that agree with us in the celebrity community. We've run ads for the NRA highlighting people like Tom Selleck, Nolan Ryan, Carl Malone, people like that. But our members also want to know who's against them. And if we say something that's inappropriate and not correct, we'll apologize if people contact us. But our intention here is to be accurate, not inaccurate.
A lot of these celebrities have made careers on TV making millions celebrating gun violence in TV and in the movies. And we're not going to let them be hypocrites. By God, the NRA has spent $20 million a year teaching gun safety to kids and teaching kids how to be safe around firearms. And then these celebrities get on the movies and on TV and show them the exact opposite.
GIBSON: It goes beyond the celebrities. On your list here, I am reading of the list again, the AFL-CIO, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Children's Defense Fund… the United States Catholic Conference, the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the YWCA.
Once again, it seems like you have put out such an extensive list that there's something there for everybody to say, “Well, maybe I don't agree with the AFL-CIO, but maybe I do agree with the United States Catholic Conference.”
LAPIERRE: Or maybe they agree with the National Rifle Association and they don't agree that a lot of these Washington elites that are with these organizations and their Washington office are even taking these types of positions.
So, when they put these organizations on record in opposition of the constitutional freedom, you bet the NRA is going to get in their face. We're going to take them on and we're going to let the American public know about it, because in the final analysis, John, the American public treasures their freedom to hold firearms and their constitutional freedoms in their country and they don't want ...
GIBSON: Two things before I run out of time with you, Wayne, anybody call you here and demand to be taken off your list or are they proud to be on it? And number two, what do you expect people to do with this information?
LAPIERRE: Well, as I've said, I mean, there are 90 million firearms owners in this country. There are 20 million people that hunt. The American public overwhelmingly supports their freedom to own a firearm. And they don't want to buy their products. They don't want to go to their movies and they don't want to support their careers. And I say God bless them. That's why we still have these freedoms in the United States.
GIBSON: Wayne Lapierre, the NRA. Wayne, thanks for coming on. Appreciate it.
LAPIERRE: Hey, thanks, John.
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Post by Cadeho on Oct 28, 2003 3:58:54 GMT -5
The NRA is a collection of kooks anyway... they'd probably have more to fear from within than stars. It'd be ironic if the NRA fired among themselves and that'd be the end... never'll happen but oh well. Why are they so insecure they need a list of "enemies"? KOOKY!!!! Fight the power Tempts!
Post by Ivory Fair on Oct 28, 2003 10:47:09 GMT -5
That's right ......... kooks .............. kooks with very small ............. minds.
Post by selfishreasons on Oct 29, 2003 16:01:22 GMT -5
yes, they are a bunch of kooks. very crazy people.